Episode 12 – A Hostage Situation in the Pig Shed

While hunting Alistair Domage on foot with Trevor and Ben, Brendan changes his mind and goes back for the car.

Dessie is en route to saving the day when he encounters Mags leaning on a gate and confesses his involvement with things.

Garda Nugent’s siege of the pig shed is gatecrashed by everybody.


Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 11 – Intervention Time!

Dessie’s attempt to get Alistair away from Ballygomore collides with Garda Nugent’s checkpoint.

Helen confronts Petey about their family history and who, in fact, is the rightful heir to the 400-piece china set that was rescued from the Big House in 1832.

Brendan ambushes Trevor and Ben into a mediation session but it gets away from him in ways he could not have predicted.


Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 10 – Stake Out

Dolores is determined to find out what Helen knows about the sheep;  instead she ends up wondering what Mags is at.

Brendan is stopped by Garda Nugent who is pursuing a one-woman-containment-troop strategy to track down Alistair.

It turns out that Aunty Catherine is actually Helen’s aunt! And she has information which may change everything.

Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 9 – A Country Mile

Garda Nugent and Dolores meet out walking and a cautious approach to conversation leads both to wonder if the other is really only out for a walk.

While carting out the empties, Barb catches Ben behind the bins stealing her wifi.

Mags finds Dessie curiously unenthused by the photofit of Alistair and unsure of his future as a blacksmith.

Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 8 – Aspects of Resistance

Dolores takes radical steps to lose the extra sheep, only to be run a-cropper by Petey.

Brendan instructs Trevor in The Ways of the Iron.

Armed with a photofit of Alistair Domage, Garda Nugent attempts to elicit an ID from Aunty Catherine, with confusing results.

Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 7 – A Small Moment Of Enjoinment

Brendan and Petey debate the merits of invite lists and recent developments in the gate realm.

Dessie decides to up his game to impress Mags, brushing aside Alistair’s attempt to enlist him to the Irexit cause.

Helen investigates her family tree, helped by Barb who punishes Ben for soaking up the bandwidth.



Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka


Episode 6 – A Helping Hand Or Some Other Kind

Ben looks for help from Mags; ends up with advice instead.

Trevor gets a job!   But Brendan’s attempts at negotiating him a better deal are quashed by Barb.

Dolores experiments with a complicated (but theoretically possible) way to incorporate her spare sheep only to be unnerved by Helen.


Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 5 – Off On A Mission

Helen’s attempts at corralling both the cows and her family push her to breaking point.

Following a new development and with some unsolicited help/interference from Barb and Petey, Garda Nugent expands the scope of her gate investigation.

Dessie gets more than he bargained for by keeping snacks at the forge; while the mystery Irish-learner reveals more about what he’s really up to in Ballygomore.


Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 4 – Hieeee-Ya!

Ben and Dessie’s short-lived alliance is reviewed through the prism of metalwork and social media.

Dolores and Mags wrestle metaphorically for control of Step the sheepdog while providing poor emotional support for each other.

Brendan’s continuing Good Samaritan efforts come a-cropper when he demolishes Aunty Catherine’s last line of defense for her Irish-learning guest.


Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 3 – It’s Rough Being The Outsider

Garda Nugent suspects that Aunty Catherine may be hiding something and finds a suspicious individual living in her pig shed.

Trevor gets the wrong side of Barb when he objects to her price-gouging.

Dolores is stymied in her sheep-shuffling efforts when she meets Dessie at the crossroads waiting for Ben and/or a pooka.

Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Credit, C&W track: “Royalty Free Music from Bensound”


Episode 2 – Leitrim is Lovely All the Same

Dolores has too many sheep in her flock so she tries to persuade her daughter Mags to take the extras.

Petey instructs Helen to take the family china out of storage ahead of cleaning the bathroom.

Ben waits on a dark road to ambush Trevor but instead finds Dessie hunting for a pooka.



Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka

Episode 1 – Welcome to Ballygomore

There’s tension between Brendan and Dolores over the English refugees they are hosting, post-Brexit.

The refugees themselves – Helen, Trevor and Ben – are not all that thrilled about how Ireland is turning out for them.

Garda Nugent stops by with news of Petey’s gate being left open in suspicious circumstances.

Dessie and Mags have a strange sighting on the the road back from Manorhamilton.



Tags:  Leitrim, Ireland, England, Britain, Brexit, Refugees, Gate, Sheep, Pooka


June 23rd, 2016. British voters went to the ballot box to decide whether to Leave or Remain part of the European Union.


June 24th, 2016. It’s debatable whether Leavers or Remainers were the more shocked by the result: Brexit.


In the aftermath, the Irish passport office ran out of application forms as many of the 6.7m eligible Britons panicked about their future mobility.